The Hyperotopia Project describes visions of a future.
Hyperotopia represents a hypothetical example of an agri.cultural approach for sustainable, autarkic, free, more enligthened living. Body and Soul, both of them are important and should be able to be together in freedom and harmony .
Culture, Aestethics and Art are the pillars of being.
This idea is what these habitats want to deliver.

To get in touch with this idea and to feel this vision you can find different kinds of immersive experiences in the regions of Hyperotopia I to IV.

Hyperotopia I: 9974,9944
Hyperotopia II: 9975,9944
Hyperotopia III: 9975,9945
Hyperotopia IV: 9974,9945

ps. regions rubicon to rubicon IV are closed for unknown time

Regions Rubicon I – IV closed

Estate: Rubicon Cross

Rubicon: 65536 sq.m 4152_prims [9999, 10028]
Rubicon II: 65536 sq.m 31_prims [10000, 10028]
Rubicon III: 65536 sq.m 0_prims [9999, 10029]
Rubicon IV: 65536 sq.m 0_prims [10000, 10029]

started building sort of forgotten art nouveau city
the styles are basically inspired by otto wagners architecture mixed with ^^ digital chaos – textures are taken from rl buildings

65536 sq.m.
2374 prims

figuring out the possibilities – there are plenty ^^
compared to sl – weight bigger possibilities to increase knowledge in less time!

os-grid connected

region: Rubicon
estate: Rubicon Cross